- Hits: 5427
Edit or Delete Personal Data
Our members who use our applications can edit or delete their own data to keep their data personal or to update them.
All of our applications, including all mobile applications come with edit and delete functions on the apps except ConnexInspector.
ConnexInspector user is created by a market manager user without any personal data. The creator can delete and recreate his own user.
You can choose "Personal Data" from the menu and scroll down to edit button to change the page to edit mode.
You can change any data field you need. If you need to edit your id number, please make sure they are your own valid national id number, or you could change it to 0000000000000 (all zeros). Please do not enter any random number. Only you can see your id number.
You can also delete your account by clicking on delete button. This will delete all your data and close your account with us. You will not be able to log in afterward. According to the law of Thailand, we are obligated to keep your data off line for local tax purposes for a limited period.